What Is A Forward Assist On An AR-15?

Estimated read time 3 min read

Welcome to the exciting world of the AR-15, where every button and feature has a purpose that adds to the magic of this remarkable firearm! Today, we are going to unravel the mysteries of the forward assist on an AR-15 and discover why it is such a fantastic addition to this popular rifle. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to dive into the marvelous world of the AR-15’s forward assist!

What’s That Button? Unveiling the Magic of the Forward Assist on an AR-15!

Have you ever noticed that small button on the side of your AR-15 right behind the ejection port? That, my friend, is the forward assist. At first glance, it may seem insignificant, but its purpose is far more critical than meets the eye. The forward assist is a nifty little feature designed to help you in situations where your rifle fails to fully go into battery, meaning the bolt doesn’t close all the way. Instead of panicking, just give the forward assist a gentle push, and like magic, it will force the bolt forward, ensuring that your rifle is ready to fire!

But wait, there’s even more to this enchanting feature! The forward assist also plays a crucial role in preventing potential malfunctions. Imagine you’re out on the range, and your rifle gets a little dirty or encounters adverse conditions. In such situations, debris or fouling can hinder the smooth movement of the bolt, causing it to stick. However, with the help of the forward assist, you can apply a light tap to the button, helping the bolt to engage and ensuring your AR-15 functions flawlessly. It’s like having a superhero on your rifle, ready to save the day!

Unlocking the Mysteries: Let’s Dive into the Marvelous World of AR-15’s Forward Assist!

Now that we understand the basic purpose of the forward assist, let’s delve into its fascinating functionality. When you press the forward assist button, it engages with the bolt carrier group, which is responsible for loading and chambering the round. By applying pressure, the forward assist pushes the bolt forward until it fully engages with the barrel extension, ensuring a secure and reliable lock-up. This action not only aids in overcoming any resistance during battery failure but also helps ensure the proper seating of the round in the chamber.

The forward assist is like a trusty sidekick, always ready to assist you in achieving a fully operational rifle. It’s important to note that while the forward assist can be handy in certain situations, it is not meant to be used as a primary method of chambering a round. It is best utilized as a troubleshooting tool or in situations where the bolt may not have fully closed due to external factors such as dirt, debris, or adverse conditions. So, keep it in your arsenal of knowledge and use it wisely when the need arises!

And there you have it, the magical world of the forward assist on an AR-15! From its ability to remedy battery failures to its role in preventing malfunctions, the forward assist is a valuable feature that adds to the versatility and reliability of the AR-15 platform. So, next time you see that button on the side of your rifle, remember the power it holds and the assistance it provides. Now, go forth and confidently navigate the world of AR-15s, armed with the knowledge of their enchanting forward assist!

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Tactical Gear Armory is a group of tactical gear geeks! We specialize in everything from martial arts to AR-15's and other firearms.

Tactical Equipment Armory

Tactical Gear Armory is a group of tactical gear geeks! We specialize in everything from martial arts to AR-15's and other firearms.