The Tragic Event in Brooklyn: The Tactical Gear Perspective on Ryan Carson’s Passing

Estimated read time 3 min read

The streets of Brooklyn bore witness to a grievous event that shook the community – the untimely demise of Ryan Carson, a revered local activist. As the tactical and prepper community, our antennas are always up, assessing situations and pondering: Could certain gear or preparation have changed this narrative?

The surveillance footage lays out the brutal swiftness with which the incident unfolded. And it’s times like these that underscore the importance of tactical preparedness, both in training and gear. Let’s break down how martial arts, defensive training, and a strategic Everyday Carry (EDC) kit, inclusive of a CCW (concealed carry weapon), might have influenced the outcome.

Defensive Training

Understanding combat and defense tactics can be a lifesaver. Different martial arts and self-defense methodologies arm individuals with techniques to confront and evade threats.

  • Krav Maga: With roots in military tactics, Krav Maga emphasizes quick threat neutralization, making it especially valuable for unpredictable street confrontations.
  • Jeet Kune Do: This Bruce Lee brainchild integrates elements from varied fighting styles, offering adaptability in the face of the unexpected.
  • MMA (Mixed Martial Arts): Integrating techniques from disciplines like boxing and wrestling, MMA ensures defenders are equipped for confrontations both standing and on the ground.

Everyday Carry (EDC)

Being a prepper is not just about the end of the world; it’s about being prepared every single day. The right gear can, and often does, make a significant difference.

  • CCW (Concealed Carry Weapon): Having a firearm can provide a significant edge during a confrontation. However, it’s vital to be aware of regional gun laws and ensure you’re licensed and trained adequately. Carrying without due diligence can land one in legal hot water.
  • Tasers: A less-lethal alternative, tasers can incapacitate from a distance, providing an opportunity to escape or control the situation.
  • Pepperball Guns: Combining the mechanics of paintball guns with the incapacitating effects of pepper spray, these provide an effective non-lethal response.
  • Personal Alarm & Pepper Spray: While one can deter with sound, the other incapacitates, making them essential for urban EDC kits.
  • Tactical Pen: Beyond its writing capability, it’s a discreet defensive tool suitable for close-quarter confrontations.

In a rapidly evolving situation, the combined utility of awareness, skills, and the right tools can greatly influence outcomes. The tragic loss of Ryan Carson should serve as a poignant reminder to the prepper community about the unpredictability of life and the urgency of preparedness. While we advocate for readiness, it’s equally critical to be informed and operate within the legal frameworks of your locale, especially when it comes to firearms. Preparedness, coupled with responsibility, is the hallmark of a true tactical enthusiast.

Tactical Equipment Armory

Tactical Gear Armory is a group of tactical gear geeks! We specialize in everything from martial arts to AR-15's and other firearms.